Sizdah Bedar - Norouz


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Celebrating persian Norouz with music and art.

"Sizdah Bedar", also known as Nature's Day is a Persian festivity held annually on the thirteenth day of Norouz, during which people spend time in Nature. Thirteenth day of the year was thought to carry a malevolence that is to pass by praying to waters and woods. In solidarity with Uprisings in Iran a group of musicians from various backgrounds join each other to form an ensemble that blends eastern Choral folk Songs with softly woven Improvisations on  Kamance, Kora and Tabla.


Walburga Walde,  Chor Conduct

Ludevico Failla , Kora

Amir Kalhor, Kamance

Steffen König, Tabla

Kontakt zu uns

Susanne Schlereth

Susanne Schlereth


Tel. 0341 41 37-5046

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